Planned Features
Keep in mind that the game is still in development phase!

- Very clean and simple 3d graphics
- Fluent transition between day and night
- Dynamic vehicle lights (i.e. headlights, rear lights, brake lights, turning lights)
- Stepless zooming
- Special effects like smoke, fire and explosions
Map & Terrain
- Randomly generated unlimited maps
- Height dependent ground types (deep water, shallow water, beach, grass, soil, rock, snow)
- Randomly generated ressources
- Trees & Bushes
- Visible citizens and cars
- Each citizen is associated with one flat and one workplace
- Citizens buy goods in supermarkets
- Citizens visit other citizens
- Fire departments, Police departments, Hospitals, Supermarkets, Factories, Building yards
- Cities (always AI controlled) decide themselves when and where to build new apartment buildings
Traffic & Logistics
- Road crossings with direction lanes & traffic lights
- Optional one-way roads
- Train Stations, Bus Stations, Harbors, Airports
- Parking spaces parallel to roads or on dedicated areas
- 3 different road speeds depending on road type (2-lanes low speed road, 4-lanes high speed road, 6-lanes motorway)
- Fast cars overtake slow cars
- Several transport routes (walkways, roads, tracks, airways, waterways)
- Passenger transport (by foot, by taxi, by car, by bus, by train, by ship, by plane)
- Standardized cargo types (containers, pallets, piece goods, bulk goods)
- One container consits of two paletts. One palett consists of 8 piece goods.
- One bulk container can carry up to 16 bulk goods.
- Intra-logistics support through forklifts, conveyors, employees & internal train freight stations
- One specific radius for each road type
- 8 different radii for track curves
- Helix-curves to raise track by one tile using a 270 degree curve
- Seemingly plausible road/track slopes (10 tiles per height step)
- Warehouses for temporary storage
- Container bridges to transfer containers from ships/trains to trucks or from trucks to container storage
- Airports with seemingly realistic dimensions
- Intra-Airport logistics regarding passengers and passenger luggage
- No hidden vehicle characteristcs (i.e. no vehicle reliabilty/staff differences) to avoid micro management
- Train shunting & rail sidings
- Individual routing rules at decision points (signals, switches, station platforms), i.e. priority rules
- Module-based construction
- Multiple modules can be grouped and saved as new module
- Multiple modules can be copy & pasted.
- Multi-level construction of walkways, roads & tracks (up to 4 tiles above ground)
- Construction always takes time. No sudden construction.
- Construction vehicles find their way from building yards to construction sites
- Construction sites consume complete containers for each building element
- Earth works require one multiple trucks for moving the earth masses.
- Earth works require source and destination for each "soil element".
- No one time costs. Only running costs.
- Clear production chain logic: raw material extraction → semi-finished goods production → consumer goods production → sale in shops → consume at home
- Each raw material/semi-finished good/consumer good is available in 8 colors ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
- Each raw material/semi-finished good/consumer good of one color is available in 8 variants ❖ ✚ ★ ♯ ✱ ▶ ■ ⊕
- Thus there are 64 different raw materials, 64 different semi-finished goods, 64 different consumer goods
- Goods need to be bought by the transport company and sold to the using facility (factory, shop, warehouse)
- Goods price is calculated automatically including transport costs
- Transport costs and transport prices are calculated automatically
- Factories and shops prefer cheap goods.
- Warehouses only buy goods if the warehouse owner (a certain player) accepts buying specific goods
- Every object is a profit center. Loss-maker vehicles can easily be determined, even in complex logistic chains.
- Open-cast mining regarding raw materials
- Up to 64 players on the same map
- Every player leads one transport company
- Multiple companies can form a group
- Optional infrastructure sharing with associated usage fees
Potential Mod Features
The game can be enhanced using community mods
- More trains, trucks, buses, planes, citizen & other game objects
- More logistic modules like more complex road intersections, further track switches and so on
- More decisions at relevant logistical positions (at switches/stations/...)
Out of Scope
Features, that are not planned at the moment
- Mail transport
- Garbage transport
- Diagonal walkways/roads/tracks/airways/seaways